

俚语 keyboard emily

Keyboard Emily

A person who gets easily offended. A keyboard Emily can be found on pretty much any social media app but are commonly found on the popular app called tik tok. They typically have anime profile pictures or the BLM fist. They’re typically the ages of 12-17 and act like they’re the most intelligent and woke mfs on the planet. They are usually fans of the racist modern warrior and will make being “woke” their personality. They also hate men or blonde white women, probably because their dad left them and they got bullied by a popular blonde girl. If you offend them on Tik Tok, they’ll call you names like Mayo Monkey or Unseasoned even though they’re whiter than a Cracker Barrel on Sunday. They’ll also make fun of your looks and will say stuff like “I know you aren’t talking” or “What’s up with your hair”, but they should not be talking as they have rainbow hair and double chins.
Oh look I have a new tik tok comment…. And would you believe that it’s a 12 year old they/them calling me a mayo monkey insulting my looks. I guess I struck a nerve with this keyboard Emily.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 17:02:02