

俚语 ash dick

ash dick

The penis of a chain smoker. Frequent smoking spurs the transformation of the penis from a robust, healthy, beautiful aspect of the anatomy to a grey, pock-marked, tiny, and feeble object. The most severe cases of ash dick result in a nearly complete disintegration of the penis during intercourse.
Kelly: Wtf is that grey dust all over your crotch?
Angie: Um...well...I slept at Steve's last night...if you know what I mean
Kelly: Steve? The guy who smokes 10 packs a day?
Angie: I swear he is super dope! He just kinda has an ash dick...

ash dick

A penis that endures no sexual intercourse for a long period of time (it does not get wet)
Man... It's been awhile. I'm getting an ash dick




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