

俚语 ass bubbles

ass bubble

The pocket of air that forms between your buttcheeks when you pass gas, this is prior to the actual release of the said gas as well as the smell.
Bob could tell by the pressure of the ass bubble that his fart was going to be huge... and probably quite smelly

ass bubble

when your sitting in hot sweaty pants and you fart and feel it bubble up your lower back...if its soupy its called a shit bubble
Wow, that ass bubble ticked.

ass bubble

a totally retarded, skanky, pickle-buffing, poop-stain on the underpants of society.
Maria Tristan, johnny tristan, and Tyrone Biggums are all ass bubbles

Ass Bubbles

Ass Bubbles. n

1. Ass bubbles is a game that is played generally played by two people, but the rules and gameplay are open to allow for more players.

The game begins by chewing bubble gum. It is recommended that the players use either giant gumballs or several pieces of gum to allow for large bubbles. Players then remove their clothes for the next stage of the game.
A player must then bend over so that another player may use his of her chewed wad of gum to cover the bending player's asshole.

As for the player who is bending over, they are welcome to continue chewing their gum until it it is time for them to put it in someone else's asshole. Meanwhile, this player must fart, causing a bubble to be created from their ass, and assbubble if you will. The player who placed the gum in the asshole must then pop the bubble with their teeth and eat it out of the other person's asshole.
The game continues until all players have eaten gum from assholes and had gum eaten from their assholes.

2. A synonym for "grab ass."
1. "So did you finally get to bone Carly last night?"
"Nah man, but we totally played ass bubbles!"

2. "Will you two stop playing ass bubbles and get back to work."

Ass Bubbles

Ass Bubbles. n

1. Ass bubbles is a game that is played generally played by two people, but the rules and gameplay are open to allow for more players.

The game begins by chewing bubble gum. It is recommended that the players use either giant gumballs or several pieces of gum to allow for large bubbles. Players then remove their clothes for the next stage of the game.
A player must then bend over so that another player may use his of her chewed wad of gum to cover the bending player's asshole.

As for the player who is bending over, they are welcome to continue chewing their gum until it it is time for them to put it in someone else's asshole. Meanwhile, this player must fart, causing a bubble to be created from their ass, and assbubble if you will. The player who placed the gum in the asshole must then pop the bubble with their teeth and eat it out of the other person's asshole.
The game continues until all players have eaten gum from assholes and had gum eaten from their assholes.

2. A synonym for "grab ass."
1. "So did you finally get to bone Carly last night?"
"Nah man, but we totally played ass bubbles!"

2. "Will you two stop playing ass bubbles and get back to work."

Ass Bubbles

When one either spits, cums, or pours liquid into a girls asshole and gets the girl to fart, creating bubbles!
Nothing turns me on more than cumming in a girls gaping asshole then watching her make ass bubbles with it.

Ass Bubble

The mental place where a person indulges in their own depression, idiosyncrasies, and quirks.
"He needs to quit thinking he's special. He spends way too much time in his ass bubble."




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更新时间:2024/9/20 9:27:41