

俚语 larsons


A rare name that usually symbolizes males that have extreme amounts of Swag.
Julie: So, Rachel did you hook up with anyone last night at the party?
Rachel: YES! There was this boy named Larson who was so HAWT omg you need to see him!! <3


To take a large stew in someone else's house.
I just took a huge larson.


A unit of measurement used for every eight inches.
"Johnny, how long is a yard?"
"Four and a half Larsons, Ms. Adams."


A guy who gets a lot of girls alongside a cocky attitude and rather large ankles.
Larson: I'm so smart, I have a 3.9 GPA.

Random citizen: Oh Larson! Always bragging about your grades.


A male with excessively small child like hands and feet, and holds a false level of supervision/authority over others.
Steve is such a Larson he has his tiny hands full at work, no one recognizes his authority, and anyone could fill his tiny shoes.


(v) Do to produce a stench from one's anus so horrible, that the paint off the walls begin to peel off. Must linger in the immediate area for at least 10 minutes.
Dude: What is that smell, it won't go away. Reminds me of when my little brother got into a fight with a skunk.

Dude2: Oh dude #3 just larsoned again.


Verb: To grossly over tighten
"He really larsoned that bolt on"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 19:27:36