

俚语 lax it

lax it

if you where to relax you would lax it
hello mate what u doing 2nyt? u coming out.. nahh mate just guna lax it 2nyt the bitches will have to wait another day


the state of being relaxed, or chilled. Can be refered to as short for relaxed.
After smokin a fat splif, I was laxed.


what you swallow, or have inserted into the anus, to help loosen the bowels
It is not a good idea to take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.


self-inflected diarrhea
took a laxative last nite and woke up with the screaming shits at 4am


the edible that makes you shit it all out
man i think he put a laxative in my lunch i am stuck in the bathroom for the next 69 hours


substance that it consumed that will make one shit like a fucking goose.
dickhead 1) i'm shitting like a goose due to laxative.
dickhead 2) ya, it does that.


Relaxed, easy-going, non-enforcing
don't worry about smuggling it in, they're pretty lax about it here




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