

俚语 dick sleeve

dick sleeve

A convenient place to store one's cock. A whore.
Good thing Tracey came around. I needed a good dick sleeve.

dick sleeve

The prepuce or foreskin of the penis. Also known as a sheath or hood. Retractable double layer of skin that slides up and down the shaft of the penis and normally covers and protects the glans (head) from friction. This part is surgically removed when a male is circumcised therefore not every guy still has his dick sleeve.
To hell with circumcision! I'm not getting my dick sleeve chopped off!

dick sleeve

the outer layer of skin on a dick
he had a pale dick sleeve
tracy thought his dick sleeve was beautiful

dick sleeve

My dick head is really sensitive because I still got my dick sleeve!

Dick Sleeves

The arm holes of a sleeveless shirt created by cutting or ripping the sleeves off.
Look at the douchebag wearing dick sleeves.

Dick Sleeve

Short, skinny girls - usually white.
That girl is so small, I could wear her like a dick sleeve. Man it's cold outside, girl let me use you like a dick sleeve.

wizard sleeve dick

A wizard sleeve dick is a dick that is uncircumcised with excessive amounts of foreskin. Which also resembles a one eyed snake shedding it's moist skin. The man with this wizard sleeve dick typically enjoys cream pie delight every now and then while screaming the name Becky and finishing with a creepy peck & karaoke moves.
John had the biggest wizard sleeve dick that I've ever seen.

The looseness of the skin on your dick reminds me of a wizard sleeve dick.




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