

俚语 assturd

ass turds

turds that come out of your ass or sombody elses ass
dude i steped in all your ass turds

Ass Turd Monkey Fucker

Tough titties; usually conjoined with an asshole who has a flat chested girlfriend
Hey Josh! Where is your "ass turd monkey fucker" today?

Josh: At home playing with her tough titties

Turd Ass

Someone who is lame, somewhat of a jackass.
Hand me those nachos dawg, dont be a Turd Ass.

rat turd ass bitch ugly little hoe looks like toad fake blonde box dye emo slut face alcoholic oompa loompa bunions

siofra brady
siofra brady is a rat turd ass bitch ugly little hoe looks like toad fake blonde box dye emo slut face alcoholic oompa loompa bunions




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