

俚语 local thot

local thot

a girl who sleeps with a lot of people in a general area, usually named Amanda
the local thot slept with a guy, not surprised

local thot

A local thot is a female that is known to fuck around with many guys and every one in town knows it.
Bad bitches only no local thots .

Local Thot Patrol

A special agency of the Thot Patrol that focuses it’s efforts upon one singular town or city. A majority of their affairs involve high school aged thots, although that can vary from place to place. This agencies job is to regulate harlotry locally in order to prevent nationwide catastrophe of thottery as well as protect the locals from small acts of thottery that usually go unnoticed by the larger divisions of Thot Patrol.
lHey, did you see bust at school last night?

Yea, I heard the Local Thot Patrol deadass caught a bunch of thots lackin😤💯
Ayye 🅱️ we gotta hop on that Patrol know what I’m sayin?

Hell yea no 🅱️hots allowed.

local ski thot

A girl, typically rich and blonde found working at a local ski resort in Sweden or Norway who lives off her parents money and sleeps with all the local skiers.
"Hey bro I was thinking of asking Jani on a date"

"No man don't go for her, I heard she's the local ski thot."




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