

俚语 loladin


refer to lol
Paladin on world of warcraft, usually between lvl 1 - 20. on a roleplay server. Who ALWAYS uses OOC chat in /say.
Rayl says: Hello there
Paladin Says: Lo, sup m8?
Rayl whispers: Another loladin ey?
Paladin whispers: WT!F!F?! OMFG !N000B!!11!!1


Used in the game warld of warcraft. A loladin is a Paladin whos trying to deal damage, rather then heal it, or tank it.

While a paladin is very good at doing the last. They are failures at the first "Dealing damage"

They usually dont know anything about their class, what their job, or how to play altogether.

Its also a term used by other Paladins who make fun of any paladin who's trying to dps in the pve side of the game.
Me: "after joining a group" your tanking or healing?
Paladin: i retri, i dps.
Me: oh great.. another loladin.

Paladin A: Whats the new guy's spec? we could really use healers at this point.
Paladin B: no, his a fucking loladin!
Paladin A: god damn it, not another one of those! if we wanted a melee dps we could have gotten a warrior or a rogue!


Derogatory term for a Retribution Paladin, dating back to 2011. Paladin's DPS at the time lower than average, making playing the class in a DPS spec the poorer choice over the more useful Healer, or Tanking specs. Players who insisted on the Retribution spec despite the shortcomings were thus referred to as "Loladin," "Retardin," etc.

Although Blizzard have since re-balanced all three Paladin specs, "Loladin" has become more of a nostalgic, affectionate term for Retribution Paladins.
Paladin 1: What spec you been leveling in?
Paladin 2: Loladin..


Portmanteau from "LOL" and "Paladin", describing a Blood Elf Paladin within the MMORPG "World of Warcraft".
Mage: Group looking for a healer!
Paladin: OK, I'm a healadin, please invite!
Mage (to team): OMG WTF? A blood elf paladin just whispered me!
Team: OH NOES! Don't invite a loladin plx!




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