

俚语 loose bitch

Loose Bitch

A Loose Bitch is a woman who uses their attractiveness or sexuality to use men and cause them to love and care for her until she finds another victim to use and continues the cycle. Also loose in the terms of vagina size and morals. They do not care who they hurt or use.
Wow Jessica was really a loose bitch.

She hurt you bro? You need to let that shit go.

Loose Coochie Bitch

A bitch of the loose cootchie variety is one of the sluttiest manners mankind has ever seen. Loose coochie bitches are sluts, whores, and females with a generally loose vagina.
See that slut over there?
She's a loose coochie bitch.




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更新时间:2024/6/3 6:38:03