

俚语 maliyah


the most outgoing and sweetest person you’ll ever meet. she never fails to make you smile and never wants to see you sad. she’s drop dead gorgeous with a killer smile. she is always up for anything and is always down for an adventure. she’s amazing at sports and is very confident but still humble. she has major crackhead energy but can be chill at the same time. she may Intimidate you, but once you get to know her she’s extremely loving. she gets all the mans but doesn’t show that off. she is trustworthy and cares deeply about her friends. she is always looking for ways to make the world better, even though she is making the world better just being in it! she is very family oriented and makes sure she spends quality time with the ones she loves. maliyah is the best!!!!
person one: oh my gosh. maliyah is so amazing and so likeable!!!!

person two: i know! everyone loves maliyah😎


Sexy name .beautiful body. Gives good kisses . Good hugs usually 5'8. Light skin . Diva . Sassy. Pretty
I love maliyah


Maliyah is a laid-back girl. She likes to wear sunglasses and she likes to chill. She has a few close friends but that’s all she needs. She loves Disney and doesn’t care too much about social media. She likes to babysit and she doesn’t know it but she’s extremely smart.
Adam: who’s that chill hot girl?
Frank: guess…
Adam: is she a maliyah?
frank: mhm, obviously


The one girl.

She may seem quiet and kind of intimidating and pretty in a unique way. But bitch she's actually crazy as fuck!

She's funny and she has many talents and many friends.

But for real tho there are dudes who like her lowkey, but if she don't like them they won't get her.

She's not a push over and she doesn't just give up her shit. She's loyal and carries herself the right way.

That's Maliyah.
Who's that?

Oh that's Maliyah.

Bruh she's cute.

Yeah I already tried


Maliyah is a hardworking female who will have a attitude sometimes but will be the funniest most caring person you know. She will never ever cheat on you and will love you till the end
Boy 1-Dang who’s that
Boyfriend- chill brotha Maliyah’s mine

Boy 1- alright man, my bad


A wonderful fun person that everyone loves. A girl u don't want to lose because nobody can top her . She is loyal smart nice funny weird and silly has lots of friends if u ever get a maliyah don't let her go
#1Do you know maliyah
#2 yea she my best friend
#1 can you help me ask her out
#2 all you have to do is be bold sweet and smart she will give you a chance she is really nice

#1 ok bet 😍


Maliyah is thirsty for cheds boy.
Maliyahs are usually so thirsty. They like to say anyone and everyone is cute. They tend to like really short boys, and ones that really aren’t attractive




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:11:20