An argument between two or more stubborn people (or groups of people) over trivial facts or insignificant historical events. The situation often will slowly degenerate into a loud spastic game of cards being played into the wee hours of the evening, never actually resolving the initial disagreement.
On rare occasions the opposite may happen, beginning with the card game and ending with the argument.
On rare occasions the opposite may happen, beginning with the card game and ending with the argument.
I took the wife and kids over to Grandpa's this weekend, but after dinner a Manweiler broke out, and we might never get invited back.
A Maweiler is a ignorant selfish woman. She thinks she is more important than anything and puts her needs first.
I met this girl last week, we had a date planned but then she pulls a Manweiler at the last second because work was more important. What a dumb cunt!