

俚语 mav's


Verb. In MU* and IRC jargon, the use of the word reflects one person having said something in one window where they had expected to say something in another. Also encompasses conversation to one person or source that ends up going to another one.
"Rick was absolutely humiliated when he *mavved* that comment to his girlfriend."


'Mavs' is a slang word to describe many things. One being 'beer' one being 'Balti' one being 'sesh' one being 'birds' (females) and last being 'a historic rugby club who are ranked number one in the world'
Mate get the Mavs in, I'll get the next round, Oi mate do you have a mav yet ? Mate do you wanna go for a mav this weekend with the boys ?


The last thing you want to be referred to as. If someone eve calls you Mav... you’ve reached rock bottom.
Yo SeaBass you didn’t even come to Club Envy last night, you just stayed back and played MLB The Show... you’re so Mav


Greek slang word for a ghetto or hood dark skinned person.
What a mav.

those mavs are up to no good.


To be extremely fucking sexy and hot
that bitch is so fucking mav


Stands for Mormon Assault Vehicle.
Mormon women drive them around all day long, to cart their litter of children around to and fro.
A tipical MAV is a Hummer, Ford Excursion, Ford Explorer, Ford*, Nissan Titan, Suburban, Denali. Any grosly oversized vehicle (commonly called a SUV)
Usually gets less than ten miles per gallon when fully loaded with children.
To spot a MAV, simple look at the driver. Is she a woman? Is her hair done up, is she wearing makeup? Does she have those fucking half see-through shiny silver glasses? Is you said yes to these, you have successfuly spotted a MAV.
Damnit, the fucking taco bell drive thru is full of MAV's, i cant get any damn lunch!
"I Drive a MAV, because what ever I hit, I win!"
This fucking MAV almost side swiped me today coming out of Target!


a simple abbreviation of marvelous, for some reason with out the r, oh well.
man that was some mav shit!




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