

俚语 megasexual


Megasexuals are characterized as people who lack emotional connection toward any person or persons unless they first form a strong sexual connection with someone. The opposite of a Demisexual.
I feel like we really get along well, but I can't commit to a relationship until we have sex. I'm a megasexual.


A megalomaniac person or organization that wants do conquer the world, using sex as a weapon of mass domination.

Eg: Feminists, The Porn Industry, Nicky Minaj.
Person1: Hey dude, just look at those Femen chicks, shaking their boobs, are they trying to hipnotize us?

Person2: Its not boobs, they're using an ultra high frequency brain washing device attached to their breasts to turn us into their mindless slaves.

Person: Wow, totally Megasexual!


A person that is completely sexually open. This includes but is not limited to heterosexuality, homosexuality and incest. Megasexuals will have sex with men, women, intersexuals, animals, vegetables, minerals, furniture, tesla coils, jack frost, legal tender, Seth Killian, electricity, humunculi, naked singularities, baby bottles, garbage plates, starfish weiners, lady boys, snowmen, admiral ackbar, vestibules, mother nature, pygmies, real dolls, dr. sheldon cooper,Thor, traps, psyduck, dinosaurs, NCC-1701D, fox news pundits, spin networks, toasters, Mayor McCheese, lepers, dirty diapers, christmas, your mom and
whatever blanka is and beyond.
Larry broke up with Nick because he found out he was a megasexual; he could not forgive him for the time Glenn Beck tag teamed him with a geode.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 19:52:46