

俚语 melonhead

melon head

a fucking dumbass that doesn't know jackshit and acts like he is the boss

melon head

A large headed creature thats runs around Wisner road in Kirtland screaming.
Holy shit that was a melon head.

melon head

Suffering from a hangover. "Melon headed" is a variant.
I drank booze in excess last night and woke up this morning with a melon head.

melon head

a person with a head shaped oddly like a melon
melon u fukin ugly cunt ur head looks like a fukin melon u melon headed fukin disgrace

melon head

somebody who listens to and is a huge fan of the awesome band blind melon!!!!
grateful dead fans = dead heads
blind melon fans = melon heads

melon head

Melon head a person with a massive head almost looks like a melon suprisingly. Even though this kid trys ton get through wothout being called melon head there always is one whilst u try to sneak into the room shouting out MELOOOOOONNNNN HHHEEEAADDDD then the whole class will join in with laughter
random dude:look he has a melon head
Random dude 2: i heard that we shall call him melon head

melon head

ones head that is shaped in the size of a melon. one ugly stupid tag along with very bad acne resembling a hens ass with the body of a ethiopian crossed with a somalian. yellow teeth dragon breath mutherfucka.
melon u fuckin tag along. suck my dong.




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