

俚语 meme girl

meme girl

a girl that knows all the memes and has a great sense of humor. a meme girl knows all the latest trends and stan twitter terms. she doesn't take social media seriously and will treat her main instagram like a spam account. in a sea of other girls posting aesthetic pictures that fit their feed, a meme girl will post whatever is on her mind, with reaction pics of course. meme girls are the funniest girls you'll ever meet. they are the ones you go to if you are ever in need of a good meme or a laugh. meme girls know memes that fit every occasion. they definitely don't take life seriously.
Katie: look at this girl on instagram. she posts so many good memes and reaction pics. she's hilarious!
Mark: oh, she's just a meme girl.

lame ass meme girl

A meme page with nearly 2,000 followers. Typically hate my life and the people in it. Lame for sure. At least I got a nice ass, and not a thot always on thot patrol 24/7
Random meme page: Can I see your face please. Lame ass meme girl: Go succ yourself Cunt

girl meme

A meme, usually a still image, that is so bad to the point where it was probably made by a female.

It is usually something you would find on Instagram or Tumblr and might be about dating or a lowkey depressed cry for help with no proper comedic aspect to it.
Female: *Posts a meme about wanting to date guys that don't like her back, thinking it's funny and relatable*
Male: Huh? Is this supposed to make us laugh? What a girl meme.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 19:29:03