

俚语 minnie mousing it

minnie mousing it

For a girl to wear a skirt gloves and no top
I was Minnie mousing it for lols

Minnie Mouse

Pulling a Minnie Mouse; An unlikely girl who is sleeping with the best trash.
Usually when there is a perfectly good man waiting at home.
Chap: Dude, is that your wife hanging with that scuzzy dog.

Ole Man: Yeah, I'm gunna divorce her, know any good lawyers?

Chap: Divorce? What'd she do pull a Minnie Mouse?

Ole Man: No shit! She's fucking Goofey!

Minnie Mouse

Fucking Goofy.

Taken from an old joke that went along the lines of
Q: Why did Mickey Mouse divorce Minnie Mouse?
A: He found out she was fucking goofy.
You mean you bought that after watching an infomercial? Man, that's just Minnie Mouse.

Minnie Mousing

To rape a man dressed up as Minnie Mouse
Lieutenant Briefing his troops: Disney land is located here, we shall take the rollercoaster by surprise, then we shall go Minnie Mousing, understood?

Minnie Mouse

an attractive female of mixed racial background (usually of Black and White descent).
"Guess who's back in my motherfuckin' house, half black half white chick I call her Minnie Mouse"

Lyrics taken from Jay-z "Fuck All Nite"

Minnie Mouse

Minnie Mouse is an extremely fat girl who lets her fat hang out of her pants. The belly is the minnie mouse head and the titties are the ears.
Eww, here comes Minnie Mouse she needs to tuck that shit in!

Minnie Mouse Porn

You look this up when your so down bad that you ejaculate every time someone says "Hello".
You're FBI Agent: Why is this nigga searching up Minnie Mouse Porn? Fucking weird ass Zoophile.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 17:54:22