Avril Lavinge
The wrong way to spell Avril Lavigne.
Avril Lavinge is Avril Lavigne spelt wrong.
Avril Lavinge
a girl who butchered a really good bob dylan song
Avril Lavinge
a pop star who claims to be punk. she doesn't write her own music, doesn't play an instrument, and is a horrible singer.
Avril Lavinge
winner of the Hot Topic national "Customer of the year" award. For five years running.
And this year, our customer of the year award goes to...*Drum roll*...Ahh crap, her again...
Avril Lavinge
Avril lavigne, a singer from canada who has an AMAZING voice, and plays the guitar, piano and the drums, not punk, she never claimed to be.
Loser: Avril u suck
Av: Well then get lost......
Av: Well then get lost......
Avril Lavinge
A horrible singer. She thinks she's a hardass, but she's a cunt. No, you're not a rocker, you're a chach! She ruined the great Metallica's Fuel. People think she's hot too, but she isn't. And she has bad BO.
Avril sucks and blows. She is not a rocker.
Avril Lavinge
music artist, wears Hot Topic clothing/thrift stores, sings punk-pop just like Good Charolette & New Found Glory, spells Skater & Boy wrong.
Avril Lavinge sings.