

俚语 :monkey:


Used in phrase to say someone is dumb.
You're such a :monkey:

Monkey Monkey Monkey

Monkey Monkey Monkey is a thing that the youtuber Jmancurly says when he is a lava monkey in the vr game gorilla tag.


The best Animals in existence and the rulers of the universe
Random Person- Who has the higher chances of becoming the rulers of the universe, Monkeys or Humans?
Random person2- Obviously monkeys

But Monkey

A man or woman or child , that persists to follow you around and has the intention to just annoy.
you are like a little but monkey .

Monkey with

Mess around with something or fix it
Hey Jon lets monkey with your car today


A racial slur often targeted at members of the betailed Saiyan race. Saiyans find this offensive because it suggests their uncivilized nature, which non saiyans are expected to ignore. It should also be noted that, Saiyans do customarily refer to each other as Monkey, which when used in such a context, is a term of endearment.
"I can't believe I was defeated by a MONKEY!"
"Hey man, you hear that Monkey Kakarot just pwned Frieza?"


cute cuddly
going to take over the world with bananas
get ready for the attack of the bananas and monkeys




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更新时间:2024/9/20 16:31:48