

俚语 nagel


A great leader, typically handsome and outgoing. Loyal, Direct and committed. If they like you or not you will know.
To be Nagel, means to be great.


Tend to be alcoholics, loves to beat their wives, will lie about anything just because they feel like it. Make you believe they're trust worthy but after a while they'll stab you in the back. Most got scabies and filthy in their own habitat. Most Nagels are homewreckers and will steal from you.
I think this one is a Nagel


meaning a lot of something
I had a nagel of dirt on my jeans.


When a close friend abandons all of his friends just to hang out with his girlfriend.
Man you haven't said a word to us in 4months... stop being a nagel


When you are busy doing something and some obnoxious douchenozzle asks you to drop everything and check on something for them.
Dude, I was working 50 flatlines and then I got nagelled. What a douchenozzle.


To be screwed out of something or tricked.
Mr.White: You've just been Nageled, sir.


Working your butt off, putting in your blood, sweat and tears only to be told it's not good enough and having your money taken away from you little by little and then being let go after many years of service and told "your position has been eliminated" and then being sued.
I can't believe I put in that much time with that company and I got treated like this.... I've been totally Nagelized!




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