

俚语 azib


Kind,funny,famous, but very quiet you will know how is he after you close to him. An azib is someone who can you depending on, care to people who care for him, always smiling like never had a problem even though he had. He can be trusted but he always missed talk because of his honesty. Always get hurt because people don't know how to value him. Being close to him and you'll know how funny and cute is he. Such a good boy, never let him go because you will lose the greatest friend.
If you were azib i will nevet let you go


He's usually a chill guy whos tall. He is popular and likes girls for their ass. He has weird friends and never opens up with feelings. Azibs may like sports like soccer or basketball. He likes "thicc" people and picks his clothes off the ground.
Man 1: is that an Azib
Man 2: I wish I was friends with him because he's so popular.


Charming and ambitious. An azib always sets plan and strategies to live a challenging life, and manages his social life with charm, but when it comes to feelings and matters of heart he often feel helpless and wants someone to help him, altho he feels embarrassed to ask for help. Try to understand him and you’ll realise what a big heart he has.
An azib? so different at different places, definitely a personality worth exploring



azib? azib. azib azib azib, azib? azib.



azib? azib. azib azib azib, azib? azib.



Very cold hearted and shut off from the world, introverted and secretly gay. Although usually hates people he often finds attraction for boys named adam and will often open up to them about his emotions. Around Adam hes a different person and will enter a state of being in heat - hyper sexual state for adam - each consecutive month they are dating. This relationship is usually one-sided and unreuqieted unrequited.
Person one: Damn that person is totally an azib!

Person Two: Yeah he acts cold towards but when hes near adam hes a completely different person!

(in the background)

Azib: Adam, I know that im not the best person but i really want your cock!

Adam: huh?




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:04:17