Nephew/son meaning your father is your uncle meaning he had sexual relations with his sister your mother
Wow that dude looks like a nephson all inbread looking
The male offspring of one banging their sibling. Common in Eastern Kentucky.
I’ll be damned if Jebadiah and Jeanna done had theselves a nephson. He’s gotta be a proud Uncle Daddy.
The term that best describes Hamlet in Shakespeare's play, Hamlet. His father's brother married his mother, making his Uncle Claudius now his father. This means that Hamlet is both a nephew, and a son, or nephson.
Derrick: "Did you read Act 1 Scene 2 of Hamlet last night?"
Mark: "Yea, Claudius' nephson is going crazy. I guess that's what happens when your uncle marries your mom,"
Mark: "Yea, Claudius' nephson is going crazy. I guess that's what happens when your uncle marries your mom,"
What you call your son when you get your sister pregnant
Me and my sister just had a nephson
When a kid is someone’s son, but also nephew.
His mom married Chris and Jack’s father. Then she married her husband’s brother, making Chris and Jack his sons, and also his nephews... his nephsons.
Carolina nephson
Dude from north or South Carolina wears beach tees or long sleeves shorts chain a hat and some boat shoes drives a clapped out truck and always camped out at myrtle beach
Hey look at the Carolina nephson he got a nice shitbox.
Common insult used for someone (usually male) to describe a child of incest.
"Holy sh** that guy is an idiot."
"Yeah he's probably a trailer trash nephson."
"Yeah he's probably a trailer trash nephson."