

俚语 nexa


A description for a person with a small or tiny dick
Girl 1:hey did you fuck bryant lastnight
Girl 2: yea but he couldnt even make me cum he was such a Nexa

Team Nexa

Team nexa is shit that all you need to know fr
hello do you know what is team nexa no tf is that lmao

hello do you know what is team nexa? oh its that shit FN team right?


A Karen that hates other Karens and does not think they are a Karen.
Stupid Nexa-Karen complaining to the others.


She is the most beautiful and amazing girl u will ever meet. She is innocent and cute and is always ready to help others. You are lucky to have a nexa
I wish I was like nexa


She is the most amazing, kind and beautiful human.
I wish I was more like nexa


She is considered innocent and the most beautiful girl. People are crazy about her because of her great personality and how amazing she is
I wish I was more like nexa




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更新时间:2024/9/20 18:55:42