

俚语 nigga reverse

Nigga Reverse

The Nigga Reverse is when you strip naked a random black guy, and stick two fingers in his ass. Once you do that, take all the shit, and shove it in his mouth to make him throw up. Then he will eat the throw up while you keep shoving your fingers up his ass, then cum in the throw up, making it smell good. Once you do that, take a spicy shit in his mouth, kiss him, and swab the shit in both of your mouths.
Hey, why are your teeth brown, and you smell like diarrhea?

I did The Nigga Reverse last night


A term used to describe a rich, white, old woman. Usually the type who drives a Porsche, clutching her $10,000 handbag tighter while walking faster when an African American man is near. A 'reverse' nigga- as many of her traits are very different to what a stereotypical 'nigga' may be.
Nigga A sits down on a train next to a white woman.
White woman shuffles over to the next seat or proceeds to stand up.
Nigga A: Dayum dat reverse-nigga really gets on ma nerves!




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