-the feeling you get when you wake up and remember your a black individual
-a deadly occurrence when a hence African American or Dark skinned individuals wakes up and is dark-skinned
-a deadly occurrence when a hence African American or Dark skinned individuals wakes up and is dark-skinned
"BRO I'm so tired of waking up with this damn nigletitis every damn morning"
A baby nigga (Nig-Let)
He's to small to be a real nigga so for now, he's my niglet.
A group a little niggers
Look at those Niglets
A bundle of small black children who travel in a group like a bunch of ants.
One evening when I got off of work, I had happen to come across a bunch of Niglets who were popping their gums like hispanic females.
A Niglet is a Small Black Kid Sitting inside a Bucket
Yo Did you see that Niglet on Walt Street?
A younger version of a nigga
“Yo what yo my niglet.”
A short Nigga
Look at that Niglet he so short.