

俚语 slurpyhorsepussy


Very similar to a SlurpyDogPussy except the pussy has taken on characteristics that now show signs of being shot out burnt out and completely worn out. SlurpyHorsePussy is the next evolution after SlurpyDogPussy in the subhumanspecies sex bestiality realm as once Dog Dick doesn't work for that DoggyPussy any longer than a woman graduates to Horse cock and once horse cock gets ahold of that pussy it takes on a completely new and different completely worn out look and it's all bad and downhill from there.
Damn bruh that chick Jillian shit is all mashed up and abused I think shes not fucking with dogs but her shit is straight SlurpyHorsePussy and she's fucking with Horse cock.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 4:37:39