Sexy, hot,pretty,cute,women who is independent and is popular
Oll -oll is the one for all
The baddest bitch
Did you see that oll I wish I was her
Someone very short who eats Mac n cheese
Oll are fun people
Someone very retarded who enjoys eating potatoes
Mary is so oll!
A drunk rat
Your acting like an Oll
Olle is the type of person who is always positive but in games he could get triggered bc the game is shit. If you need any type of positivity talk to Olle, Olle will be there if you need him to be, He might be childish but in the end of the day he is a chill guy who loves to have fun. He is also very trustworthy, he keeps the secrets if he is told to. Also he is pretty handsome.
You should really become friends with anyone named Olle.
You should really become friends with anyone named Olle.
WOW, Olle thanks for listening, it means a lot.
German Slang for a cute girl. Mostly used in Berlin.
Abdullah: "Ey Bruder hast du diese Olle auf Insta gesehen?"
Samir:" Nein welche bro?"
Abdullah:" Mariamxxg36"
Samir:" Achso uff die ist geil alter"
Samir:" Nein welche bro?"
Abdullah:" Mariamxxg36"
Samir:" Achso uff die ist geil alter"