

俚语 ordinariate use

Ordinariate Use

An english version of the Traditional Latin Mass, created by Pope Benedict XVI. Some people call it "Anglican use", ah but what do they know? Most rubrics from the Ordinariate Use are from the TLM and have many similarities. Some Novus Ordo aspects mau be involved though, for example, the Three-year lectionary, and Communion in the hand. The Ordinariate Use is ideally the best if you want the TLM in english!
Person 1: I'm going to attend the Ordinariate Use this morning. And don't call it Anglican Use or I will snap you out of existence, call me Catholic Thanos!

Person 2: Anglican Use you mean😬

Pope Benedict XVI: Ordinariate Use.

Msgr Steenson: Anglican Use.

Me: Traditional English Mass!




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