

俚语 outrage


1) A great affront.
2) To greatly affront.
3) The state of being greatly affronted.
4) Someone whose presence is a great affront.
"Why do I get shocked when I ought to be outraged?"

"Some outrage made a pass at me at the bar."
"What did you do?"
"Told him to go fuck himself."


The political equivalent of running home and crying to mommy, frequently used by politicians to distract the public from relivant issues
"In the news today, Senator Obama expressed outrage that the Republican party may, at some point, say that the Senator is Black. Senator McCain expressed outrage that Obama expressed outrage about implying what the Republican party will do in the future, and further expressed outrage about the comments made by an Obama aide about McCain's military service."

"How does all of this outrage solve the problem of $150 oil; insolvent intitlement programs, and crippling governmet debt?"

"Dude, you have no idea what the important issues are in this campaign..."


a really shit band my friends n me went to c
"those outrage guys r shit"
"yeah outrage is a pretty shit band"
"has a shit name 2"

that's outrageous!

A metalcore band from Poughkeepsie, New York that incorporates techno into their music. They're very underground with most fans enjoying their song oblivate, a Harry potter reference.
Person A:Did you hear that's outrageous is coming out with an EP soon?
Person B: What do you mean and outrageous EP?
Person A: No the metalcore band That's Outrageous! Is writing an EP.


something that is the bomb and unbelievable
those custom made movies are outrageous!


A feeling white middle class people have over the least boring thing to happen to their otherwise pointless day.
I was outraged


Scandalized, indignantly offended, stutteringly appalled, sickeningly grossed out, bug-eyed with rage -- you get the idea -- in response to some word, phrase, idea, joke, characterizatiuon, slur, insult, etc. Particularly applies to a woman, woman's group, or women in general. thereby increasing male glee. In fact, guys are delighted by the distinctly feminine tint the term has taken on recently.
"EXCUSE ME?? Did you just call me a (c-word)? I am OUTRAGED!! Help! Police! Somebody arrest that man!"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:35:50