

俚语 owocracy


Basically a derivation of an existing system of government called theocracy, but instead of a deity being recognized as the supreme ruling authority it's OwO.

Can also be interchanged with Democracy, depending on the person you're asking. The people instead have the authority to choose gowoverning owofficials.

The Owocratic Repuwublic of Rowome was one of the more famous Republic cities that survived for as long as 482 years. The more recent examples of Owocracy was Bhuwutan in 2011.
Owocracy Supporter: "Deaw siw, Wud you wike to ekswuse fow a mowoment the amazing wowd of ouw cweed, in which the might of the owo would bwess upon the guidawse of this bwessed couwuntry?"

Citizen: "What the fuck"

Owocratic Leader: "Fouw scowes and seven yeaws ago, our fathews bwought fowth, upon this cowontinent, a nuwu nation, conceweived in libuwurty, and dedicawated to the pwoposiswon that aw men..."

Citizen: "They got my vote."




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更新时间:2025/1/23 10:38:21