

俚语 oxycosmopolitan


Oxycosmopolitan is a pharmaco-based lifestyle that revolves around a pharmaco-pagan tradition that embraces the unconventional and recreational use of the various classes of opioid pharmaceuticals. While not traditionally considered a cult, the lifestyle does have an unofficial Goddess Head who uses the moniker Oxycosmopolitan as well as Sufent B. Anthony.

The foundations of the cult are based on the legend of the "Little Flophouse on the Prairie," which is an account of the life and times of a female clandestine chemist who practiced a form of pharmaco-hedonism known in the alchemical sciences as inverse Medicinal Chemistry.

While the official "clinical" school of Medicinal Chemistry aims to improve the benefits of pharmaceuticals by improving structure-activity relationships to decrease the euphoric and rewarding nature of certain narcotics, the official doctrine of Oxycosmopolitan is the opposite: using the science of drug design to make more euphoric and pleasurable designer drugs.

The pursuit of euphoria and pharmaceutical-derived pleasure have been described as "counter-clinical," "contra-clinical" as well as "under-the-counter-and-dreaming" (wordplay inspired by the Dave Matthew's Band album). Those curious about Morphinomimetic Mysticism and Oxycontin Orthodoxy are encouraged to consult a Higher Power.

Many have characterized it as a Dick Measuring Competition whereby the unit of measurement is the obscurity and bespoke quality of one's designer pharmaceuticals.
Hipster #1: "Look at this bespoke stash of old school OC80s that I found in my late grandmother's medicine cabinet."
Hipster #2: "Very impressive bro. You know, sharing some of that stash would be very Oxycosmopolitan of you."




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更新时间:2024/9/20 22:48:09