Patachi - is basically pulverizing the box into instant mashed potatoes over the course of 30 minutes etc. when you in a rush to get somewhere but don’t wanna pass up a Baddy. So in 3 key positions 1. Flat on her stomach givin’ her slow stiff-jab strokes, 2. Throwin’ her legs in the air & guttin’ it out, & 3. Get behind her on her side & give her lightning speed bear hug strokes. The end result will be patachi.
She tooted dat thing up on me so I had to make patachi!
Patachi- is basically slow cookin’ the box by alternating between slow stiff-jab strokes & rapid fire lightning strokes over the course of 3 hours in 3 positions: 1) her legs in the air 2) flat on her stomach & 3) behind her on her side bear hug strokes!..the end result will be patachi which is a term meaning pulverizing something into instant mash potatoes.
She toooted dat thing up on me so I had to make patachi!