ANTI-HINDU organised DANGEROUS intellectual Terrorist goon Mafiosi . Plural of PEADOMANIMAL . PEADOPHILES inspired by PEADOPHILE POPES and BISHOPS accepts it as their idealogy , want to force on others , illogical , uneducated , uncultured , scheming , Anti-national , anti-humanity , Perverts , Fanatics , spies of enemy nation , Psychos , against logic , surviving on poor people's sweat and blood
Peadomanimals can't be understood that easily , hence keep away to protect yourself
Assole MF , ANTI HINDU , Against scince , logic , truth . Inspired by peadophile clergy in churches believes in flat earth theory refuses to accept logic
A Peadomanimal is ready to accept flat eartrh theory manual but not ready to debate discuss on logic
A dangerous creature ,assole Motherfucker , Anti-Hindu , narcissist , pretends as intellectual , pretends as rationalist , , difficult to reason , fucks his mother's shit hole by force and threat on the instructions of some assole motherfucker in order to know whether his wife's vaginal hole can become a breeding hole or not , Against logic , Against truth , Against debate and discussion , sick minded believes in flat earth theory manuals . accepts any thing every thing told by any uneducated perverted pedophile clergy as ultimate truth
A Peadomanimal will use undefined secularism and human rights in order to understand logic , science and truth . A Pedomanimal will use undefined human rights in order to justify rights of dangerous perverted assole motherfucker pedophiles