Female , Dumb , idiot , Anti-hindu , irrational , illogical , inspired by Pedophile Pope Borgias and his incestuous daughter , recreates at home , accepts every thing whatever Pedophile church clergy tells as truth wothout questions , Renders her services in church in private , abuses hindus , hindu traditions , hindu gods in public , creates venom , poison , hatred in the society , based on pre conceived notions , assumptions and presumptions . wearing masks of women rights , rationalist , intellectual , liberal communist in public , but runs away from civilised discussion on TRUTH
A Pedofenimal is one who will not hesitate to have Incestuous sex with her own father or son on the instructions of Pedophile church clergy while she is mensturating , assuming assole is a breeding hole , to prove herself as a great liberal
A female narccist , illogical , anti-hindu under the illusion of breeding through shit-hole as a perfect breeding method. Inspired by pedophile pope who had sexual encounters with her own daughter and recreates samething at home . Can't differentiate between logic and illogical , Can't differentiate between truth and narration , can't differentiate between rational and irrational . In a nutshell anti-hindu dumb idiot ready to do any thing every thing told by a pedophile clergy . Ready to accept any thing every thing told by pedophile pope . under the illusion of superior intellectual . very difficult to convince and reason .
A Pedofenimal is ready to accept flat earth theory manual as regious scripture but not LOGICAL indian hindu astrology , which talks about cosmology , movement of celestial bodies , PERFECTED CALCULATIONS and the effects of celesatial bodies .
Anti-Hindu organised DANGEROUS intellectual Terrorist goon Mafiosi . Plural of PEDOFENIMAL . Females inspired by PEADOPHILE POPE and his daughter who had sexual relations WITH EACH OTHER , illogical , uneducated , uncultured , Perverts , Fanatics , Psychos , against logic , surviving on poor people's sweat and blood
Pedofenimals are blind dumb slaves of uneducated Peadophile bishops , ever ready to serve them .