to be permanently effected by drugs, even after not taking them for a while.
i don't think weed or acid permafry people, but cocaine will change someone for life.
v 1. to appear as if on drugs, even though one is sober.
"Wow that Mark Fry kid is perma-fried."
which the user of the drug (mainly LSD) feels some effects of the drug (example; sever memory loss) for a vary long time after use of the drug year possibly longer ( the conduction will get better over time but user may never feel quite the same)
To have done so many drugs, that one would expect you to be affected by drugs 24/7, even though you might not be, but you probably are.
James: Alex are you high?
Alex: Dude i dont even know i have done it like four times today already.
James: you must be perma-fried
Alex: Dude i dont even know i have done it like four times today already.
James: you must be perma-fried