

俚语 sand stoning

sand stoning

this variation of the double dutch rudder incorporates the use of local beach sands, when gripped in the hands of the participants, and rubbed vigorously along the erected shaft of each participant, results in the painfully erotic sand stone rash of orgasmic stimulation.
Dude 1: Hey Blake, what are you up to tonight.

Dude 2: Well, I was just thinkin we do the ol' double dutch rudder.

Dude1: With a twist?

Dude 2: How do you mean (with interest)?

Dude 1: Sand Stoning, Bitch.

Benjian sand stone

Like Indian sand stone but not as good quality as it don't have the facilities
Does anyone have any indian sand stone? If not I'll just have to use the benjian sand stone

When the sand meets a stone

When someone from an older generation doesn’t accept that someone from a younger generation is more knowledgable on a certain subject/ situation
When the sand meets a stone




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