

俚语 power sucking

Power Sucking

When a girl is taking a picture and goes from a size 1 to a -12 in a split second giving the impression that she is much skinnier than she actually is.
"Did you see her profile picture? She was Power Sucking her stomach in"

"She was Power Sucking her stomach in her pictures to impress a boy, who realized she wasn't that skinny in person"

power metal sucks

A phrase said by many death metal fans because power metal is not "brutal" enough and actually care about having a melody, they also dislike the high vocals too.
Brutal death metaller: "omfg power metal sucks! Too many well played guitar solos for me! RRAAARG GRRRAWRG! BLAARRG!

Power metaller: " Yeah, they don't clash all the instruments together because they want a MELODY.

Brutal death metaller: "what's a melody?!"

Power metaller: /facepalm ¬_¬;





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