

俚语 procrapstinating


To avoid pooping until later. Often done when playing video games, in a public place, or on a first date.
Randolph: How was your date with Cindy?

Thomas: Not good. I had to procrapstinate all day at the park. I told her I was sweating because I was hot.


When you really need to take a dump, but you just don't want to because of a specific reason or reasons. i.e. Favorite show is on or finishing homework.
Person 1: Man, i really gotta take a shit badly...

Person 2: So go.

Person 1: No way dude, my show's on.

Person 2: Procrapstination again? Fine, go explode from shit.


Taking time before an important task to enjoy the simple pleasures of a long crap.
"procrapstination always gets in the way of my studies, less tacobell and I would probably be able to get more work done" -Frederick Douglas


When you really have to take a crap but refuse to in order to do other fun stuff thats going on.
I was on a 13 kill streak in COD and suddenly I had to shit real bad, but i had to procrapstinate so I could finish the round.


To delay crapping until the urge goes away or you almost have an accident.
I was so involved in the video game, I procrapstinated for over two hours.


When you should be doing something else but instead you're sitting on the toilet and both legs are asleep.
Wyatt should've been working, but he would procrapstinate instead.


When you are sitting on the turlet, offloading a dump for about an hour instead of doing your work.

See Procrapstinate
Wyatt was supposed to be working but instead, he's in the shitter, procrapstinating.




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