

俚语 pull an adrian

pull an Adrian

When you enter a place or area only briefly, to then quickly leave it.
Hey, we pulled an Adrian at Outlook Bar, we popped in shortly and then popped out.

Hey that girl let me pull an Adrian. She let me pop in quickly, but made me pull back out immediately.

Pulling an Adrian

Pulling an Adrian is stating something during a conversation that has no context.
Person 1: Does anyone want to eat out today?

Pulling an Adrian: If we see water but not air, do fish see air but not see water?

Person 1: Dude wtf... you’re pulling an Adrian

Pulling an Adrian Wilder

The act of creating a false name for yourself and having everyone call you by it, even family members, without legally changing it in the federal database.
fakegaydisrespectfulliarfalseidentity theftPulling an Adrian Wilder

Pulling an Adrian

when you go afk alot during a online voice call without announcing that you will brb and wont arrive back until over an hour later. which makes it annoying when youre trying to talk to the other person and he isnt there.
dude, im pulling an adrian on adrian right now!

Pulling an adrian

"Making a moutain out of a mole hill"
Taking somthing small and insignificant and exaggerating it beyond belief. In other words getting very angry over small things.
Man chill out your really pulling an adrian




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更新时间:2024/9/20 16:27:20