

俚语 quadrangle


Quadrangle is an aggressive sexual act whereby the "catcher" is so viciously dominated by the "pitcher", they are forced to walk home in the star-fished position or the quadrangle with arms and legs extended obliquely.
My friends bet me a Vanilla Coke I couldn't quadrangle a self-respecting person but my camera phone provided evidence to the contrary


A love triangle involving four people instead of three.
1: So I'm in this love triangle, but there's four people instead of three.
2: That's a quadrangle!


Quadrangle. Quadr- meaning four and -angle meaning angles or sides.

like a square except much cooler.
Children, put down those quadrangular cards and eat your damn broccoli

Love Quadrangle

A person falling in love with another, however that “other” likes someone’s who isn’t them. Which that person likes another person. And yet that person has a crush on someone else, which that someone else happens to like the first person. Be prepared, unexpected summer crushes could ruin a party if not handled carefully.
“It turns out my matchmaking skills turned this into a love Quadrangle!”




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更新时间:2024/9/20 13:44:13