

俚语 queerbaiter


Someone who calls out a politician for not knowing anything because of their sexuality.
¨Ron Burgundy doesn't know anything because he is straight.¨ ¨QUEERBAITER¨


1. A marketing technique used to attract queer viewers that involves creating romantic or sexual tension between two same-sex characters but never making it canon or evolving on it
2. when straight men or women pretend to be gay and flirt with people of the same sex as a joke
1. "There is a lot of queerbaiting in shows like Sherlock and Voltron."
2. "I got queerbaited by someone and it really hurt my feelings."


The act of falsely pretending or promoting to be gay as a form of attention seeking.
Sasha: “Was Kelly being for real when she said she hu with that girl last week?”
Peyton: “Nah, she was just queerbaiting.”


Lena and kara from supergirl are in love but the writers refuse to make it canon while making them gayer every season so it's queerbaiting


In high school, generally male freshmen are queerbait.

Also known as a man who attracts gay men or a man who claims to be straight but acts gay.
1. Ruthless Senior- Hey queerbait, pick up my book for me.

2. Person one- Dude, Ryan just said that guy over there was hot!
Person two- Oh my God! I knew it! He's such a queerbait.


The worst kind of sin. Loved by most tv shows writers and directors. Really just a way to have lots of fans, that they don't care about.
-I'm tired of all this queerbaiting!

+Me too! Dean and Cas deserved better gosh.


A friend which says a homoerotic/questionable statement durring an extremely striaght activity.
While watching football:
Dan: That guy has really blue eyes.
Ryan: Dude! You're such a queerbait!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 5:47:14