

俚语 quiggle


A code word used to mask your intentions of consuming alcoholic beverages.
Hey man what are you up to tonight, wanna quiggle at my place with the boys?


a word used to describe someone who is a bit gay
you're one of those quiggles


If someone has a moist loose flap of skin instead of a penis or vagina, that’s a quiggle.
Guard 1: “Code Red! Subject with the quiggle has breached containment!!”


To reverberate one's larynx in quick successive intervals from the mid central vowel sound of ə to the open-mid central vowel sound ​ɜ in order to poorly, but humorously, imitate a very generalized Asian accent. This voice control technique is almost exclusively used in the phonation of the letter 'o' in the word "somebody" usually accompanied by greatly extending the duration of the sound.

It was popularized and mastered by Russell Johnson of Ownage Pranks with his Vietnamese character Rang Nah Hah.
Rang Nah Hah: Duh-Hello?

Crisis Hotline Operator: This is the crisis hotline, how may I help you?

Rang Nah Hah: Okai hai, mai name is Rang Nah Hah Bilman Goy Umdid Ahmgeh and mai husbin he bit me, he bit my ass so likada suuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmbOOooOoOooOoooOoOooooOOooooooooOOodiiiiiiiii.

Crisis Hotline Operator: I see your Vietnamese with that amazing quiggle control.


Quiggles- what you say when you jab them in there sides and they shack around.
James walks up to Jacob and takes both of his hands and jabs Jacob in his sides and says "Quiggles"


when someone farts and then uses his/her hands to wave it to someone else
When Steven quiggled at me, I almost threw up because it smelled like poop.


When an extremely fat/large person(usually a weird fat person) jiggles from any activity such as jumping or running.
Miguel the unusually weird and fat man quiggled today as he jumped for joy when his favorite T.V. show came on.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:15:54