

俚语 rapist


A person that is found to have forced sexual relations on another individual.
Fanti is found to be a rapist.


Someone who will force sex upon you. So if you see one... RUN! Who cares if he has puppies!
Rapist: do you want to see my puppies? They're in my van...

You: *runs away*


One who snatches your people up. The only defense to this is to hide your kids, your wife and even your husband 'cause they raping everybody out there.
Man 1: It's obvious there is a rapist in Lincoln Park. He's climbing through windows and snatching your people up.

Man 2: That's terrible! What do I do about this?

Man 1: Hide your kids, hide your wife, and even your husband 'cause they raping everybody out there.


A person, usually but not always male, that through threat or violence forces another to engage in sexual intercourse.
Rapists are the scum of the Earth and should be tied to the bed and their hearts gouged out with spoons.


The worst kind of scum on this cruel word next to pedophiles. Willing to hurt people (mainly of the female sex) mentally and physically to accomplish thier own sick sexual needs.
"The rapist was released on bail after the court found insufficient evidence."


A sexist, sadistic, human being, who forces him/her self on a guy/girl, I know a few friends who were raped, but i still cant imgaine their pain and suffering from what happened to them. Rapists should be shot down on sight. Rapists shouldent be allowed to live. Man or Woman...burn them all.
Girl: -crying-
Cop: i understand how hard this is, but you have to tell us what happened, tell us who the rapist is


Someone who climbs in your windows, snatches your people up and tries to rape them.
In the case of a rapist, ya'll need to hide your kids, hide your wife, and hide your husband too, 'cause they raping errybody out there.
Well, obviously, we got us a rapist right here in Lincoln Park...




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更新时间:2024/9/20 19:24:32