

俚语 re-tardy


Someone who is continually and repeatedly late or virtually never on time. Plays on the fact that there is an element of stupidity in frequently being late or "tardy" all the time.
John is retardy. I can't believe it! That's been everyday this week that he's been late for class.


A term for a person that is actually more retarded on the inside than they appear to be on the outside.

Derived from "retard" and the Dr Who Tardis machine.
"I didn't realise she was so stupid at first! She is such a retardis!"


N. Acronym: Retrogressively Experienced Time And Relative Dimension In Space; a space/time-travelling vessel that is much smaller on the inside
"I wouldn't bother bringing the stereo. The RETARDIS may take up more space than an aircraft carrier, but the interior is about the size of a phone box."


Being of or associated with people of the retarted nature.
Anthony: I play with barbies

Max:do you really ?

Anthony: YAAAA

Max:Your fuckin Retardious


A spontaneous and thus not very sagacious act of vengeance, i.e. prematurely executed and without consideration of the consequences.

Etymology: A neologism contrived by merging the phonetic similar words retarded and retaliation.
1) How Austrian authorities reacted to the Sarajevo assassination in 1914 may well be described as one of the biggest retardiations in the history of mankind.

2) "My teacher caught me writing urban dictionary entries during class and took my thesaurus away, so I hit him in the face."


a person who is stupid, obtuse, or ineffective throughout all time and relative dimension in space.
He thinks Dr. Who is a real Doctor? What a retardis!


1. a tardis for retarded time lords.
doctor don called for his assistant, and the retardis, so they could leave.




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