

俚语 rocket stomp

Rocket Stomping

Rocket Stomping is a practise usually performed by posh people, where a gay man stands on his head, and allows another gay man to insert his penis into his anus, whilst the recievers anus is filled with beetroot
Man 1 - "Hey Charles, would you like to try Rocket Stomping?"
Man 2 - "Why Yes Raymond, I would love to Rocket Stomp!"

Stomp Rocket

A means of delivering a baby via a hefty stomp on the stomach. This results in the infant being propelled from the womb, much resembling a bloody rocket.
Upon hearing news of impregnating his Ukrainian hooker, Scott stomp rocketed the unborn fetus across the room.

Stomp Rocket

When a person is sack tapped while butt chugging a beer. The end result is ass coffee out of the blow hole.
Did you see when Caleb stomp rocketed Colby and Heather was covered in ass coffee.

Chinese Stomp Rocket

Piss in a bitch, than shit in her mouth, then jump on her stomach and see it shoot out!
Damn bro, I did the Chinese Stomp Rocket on Jessica last night. She went wild.

Rocket stomp

Breaking the nucleus on your fart so it gives a sense of added methane to the air.
Holy shit bro! You gave that one a fucking rocket stomp.




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