

俚语 royal wank

royal wank

To make a special occasion for a pulling of the pud.
Lee lit the red candles round the room, filled his last condom with cream and slapped his 18ft cock into it, enjoying the royal wank he'd planned for weeks.

Wank Royal

A wank with a Johnny on. The kind of wank you treat yourself to have, you don't have it everyday because its the 'royal' treatment.
Adapted from the inbetweeners - Neil, if the pressures ever to much you can borrow one of my johnnys and have a wank royal. A what? You know a wank royal, a wank with a johnny on.

Wank Royal

w-a-n-k rou-elle
A Wank Royal is a fancy name for men loading into a condom

Wank royale

When one masturbates with a condom on
Guy 1: I could never cheat on my girlfriend, I think I love her.
Guy2: If the buildup get's too much for you, you can borrow one of my condoms, have a wank royale.
Guy 2: Oh thanks dude




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