

俚语 russian shot

Russian Shot

Like a regular shot but with twice the volume
John: “ that’s a fat shot”
Vladimir: “ that’s barely even a Russian shot”

Russian Shot

The recipient finds a willing female participant and a bottle of vodka.
The female pours some vodka into her mouth and spits it directly in the recipient's open mouth.
The recipient swallows the shot and the female immediately slaps the recipient in the face afterwards.
We wanted to give Vlad a rite of passage on his eighteenth birthday so we grabbed Mariska so Vlad could take a Russian Shot.

Oh man that's intense.

Russian money shot

When a man injects top shelf vodka into his scrotum then ejaculates the shot of vodka into the mouth of a willing recipient.
I had one too many Russian money shots from Greg last night!

russian energy shot

Drinking monster while having sex.
I was so tired last night withy girl friend I had to pull a Russian energy shot.

Russian cum shot

Where you drink vodka, fuck a woman then cum in her eye while singing the Soviet Union anthem
Person 1:hey man just gave my girlfriend the russian cum shot
Person 2: what the actual fuck is wrong with you




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:55:55