

俚语 scambag


The term used to describe a bag which replicates a patented designer bag.
"Look at Roshaan's new Louis Vuitton bag"
"No thats defo a scambag"


Scambag: a con artist, always getting over on people, with.impunity.
Marc rips people off for a living. What a Scambag .


To be an absolute scam of a human being. To fool people into believing that you do not scam, when indeed you do scam at a high degree.

*Not a derivative of "scumbag".
"Hey Kelsey do you want to hang out with Kelley next weekend?"

"Nah dude, she's a complete and utter scambag who only talks about cats."


A composite of two words , a scammer and scumbag
That scumbag is taking advantage of people's trust as pawns in his moneymaking scam , what a dirty rotten scambag !!

He's a real scammer who uses his role and power to exploit the trust of his victims , a real scambag !!


An Italian New Yorker, typically from Brooklyn.
Eyy Jimmy you seen Charlie dat scambag he owe me da money!




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