

俚语 schmau


A guy who has little guy syndrome or small guy anger. Schmaus is a blend of the words Mouse and Schmuck. A Schmaus usually wears really tight shirts and will drive a big vehicle. The word describes someone that is small and due to his size he is angry at the world. He will either try to become rich or pretend to be rich. He feels taller standing on his (imaginary) wallet. A Schmaus gets really irritable around bigger guys.
That guy is driving that big truck because he is either a Schmaus, has a small penis, or both.


Noun /SH-mous/
1. A combination of the words mouse and schmuck. It also uses the “Schm” sound, which can be used to make fun of anything. Such as Joe Schmo, funny schmunny, or work schmork. It uses the word mouse to indicate small guys. It uses the “schm” sound to be funny and to sound like schmuck. The definition of schmuck can be foolish or contemptible. The complete word is used to indicate a small man who is angry due to his small stature. A funny one syllable word for little man syndrome, Napoleon Complex, or Little Demon Creature.
Is that little guy yelling at the sales woman because he can’t find a tighter shirt? He must be a schmaus.


Is a combination of the words mouse and schmuck. It is used to identify someone who acts like an ass because they have little mans syndrome. A schmaus usually drives a really big truck and wears really tight shirts. A schmaus will always embellish stories to make them self look bigger. A schmaus is small so he wants his life to look big.
Whoever is driving that big truck is either a schmaus, has a small penis, or both.


Schmau bedeutet sowas wie scheiße/doof/blöd/kacke und wird meistens mit dem zusatz Wort „Ftau“ benutzt. In Kombination zeigt es die Schwere der Schmauheit die man ausdrücken will.

Das Wort wurde ca. 2014 in Bochum, Querenburg etabliert und kam so in Umlauf.
„Du bist heute besonders Schmau drauf!“

„Ey Alter, ich kann nicht glauben wie Schmau Ftau dieser Tag ist!“


schmau is a kind of cat noise that you say in response to something not nice. you can also feel schmau when you're feeling down or if something bad has been done to a friend you can sympathise by saying it was a bit schmau
*sigh* i feel so schmau today

that's a bit schmau of him not to call you back

don't make schmau pouts it'll be ok *hugs*


something used to fill words in
expression of joy
used during boredum
shes a freaking schmau in bed,
SCHMAU!!! :)
mother f*ing schmau




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