

俚语 sebahattin


Sebahattin is someone nice. He is great at joking and lightening the mood but also knows when to be supportive or serious. He can get philosophical at times and is also very intellectually intelligent. He is very easy to talk to and can hold very interesting conversations for hours. Is a gamer.

A truly amazing and wonderful person.
B: That guy is my bestie and is beautiful

S: Agreed, Sebahattin is amazing :D


sebahattin is a plant that only grows on the zindagan hills in turkey. once in a year, sebahattin gives a flower like as a tulip named of 'tasak'. when this flower is licked, its handle gets longer.
you are rare like as a sebahattin for me.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:02:48